Just Your Average Vegan Teen

Just Your Average Vegan Teen
Mc.Donalds is torture and death.
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Sunday, June 27, 2010

We don't need to eat animals to be strong!

This article from Jo Tyler was very well written. And what she wrote made sense. My friends always tell me I won't become as strong as I want to be because I don't eat animals. That's a dirty lie.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Would You Drown Puppies?

Would You Drown Puppies?

I just got done reading the above article I have linked to by Tim Gier and these are my thoughts: Of course no one would want to drown a puppy unless they are sick-minded. But when a family sits down to eat they sometimes eat a chicken or a cow but they do not picture it like that, they think of it as "chicken nuggets" or a "steak".That family knows what they are eating is from a cow or a chicken but when they eat that animal they just want to block that image out of their minds. Also something that really makes me mad is people say that I wouldn't eat my dog or my cat because they are pets. But the thing is, is that there are people who think that cows and pigs are not pets but they can be. A pig is smarter than all dogs and cows can be just as loving. So why love one but eat the other? It's just downright stupid.