Just Your Average Vegan Teen

Just Your Average Vegan Teen
Mc.Donalds is torture and death.
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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Weak Vegans?

Today a kid at school offered me a huge chocolate chip cookie today and I said "no thank you" and then I told him I was a vegan. And he said "why?" so I told him everything I know and he told me that I would always be weak because all vegans ever eat is lettuce and tofu and that I need to eat meat to bulk up. I said I can gain lots of muscle by eating vegan foods only. So I looked into it and I saw these freaken amazing vegan and vegetarian bodybuilders. They have so much muscle it's just crazy.


  1. Cool video! Great post - Thanks for sharing! :)

  2. you show 'em, chris!!! people are so ignorant.

    - wendy

  3. Thank you Bea, and I will keep on sharing.

    Thanks Wendy and I will show these ignorant @#$%^&*
